People suffering from addiction require a therapy program and an aftercare program for their long-term benefits. These programs provide them with valuable methods to utilize in their day-to-day life. However, individuals need to understand that undergoing an addiction program is not enough. They need to follow through to stick with the therapy.
The aftercare program consists of post-discharge treatment services for individuals who have completed a drug addiction treatment program. These programs ensure that the people are provided with the proper care needed following their medical needs, prescriptions, and instructions. The primary goal is to prevent relapse.
Some of these patients are lost in transition after their therapy is over. If they do not have any framework or support system, it becomes challenging for them.
Why Does An Aftercare Program Matter?
It Prevents Relapse
If an addict is on medication and undergoes counseling and therapy, the addiction will weaken over time. This program allows addicts to stick with their treatment for a more substantial chance of preventing relapse.
According to reports, the chances of addiction relapse are around 40% to 60%. Unfortunately, it’s a higher number, and thus it becomes essential to focus on aftercare methods to live a sober and productive life.
People Develop Coping Skills
During the long-term treatment programs, individuals can develop the coping skills they need. These skills help them deal with difficult situations in their day-to-day lives. It also helps them manage their time and emotions better than before.
Most people fall back into addiction as they don’t know how to deal with difficult situations. It is due to the lack of coping skills they require to better their lives. When people undergo these programs, the health experts help them achieve sobriety faster.
It Makes Individuals More Productive
People can begin to live a more productive and sober life after the therapy is over if they work on coping skills. They learn how to manage their condition and how it affects them in their lives.
Individuals who go through these programs learn to become more productive and handle difficult situations with peace of mind. It isn’t something that can be achieved easily as they need to follow through for months or even years. These types of recovery therapies help individuals to stay confident and in control.
Better Accountability
These programs also help individuals to stay accountable for their actions. The accountability skills help them become more responsible. If they have any doubts about their medications or alcohol consumption, they need to consult the health professionals immediately.
Accountability plays a significant role in people’s lives. These programs help them develop a strong sense of responsibility in their lives regarding substance abuse and addiction.
It Offers a Better Social Life
Addiction can affect people’s lives drastically. Individuals lose their family and friends during this phase as they don’t wish to associate with them anymore. In addition, they feel ashamed of their condition, making it difficult for them to mingle with others.
With the help of these after-treatment programs, individuals learn how to socialize without resorting to addiction. They learn how to be comfortable in a social setting and create healthy relationships again. It also helps people realize that they have hope for a brighter future.
Contact Us Today
Get in touch with Licasa Treatment Center at 323-471-6009 to know more about our aftercare program for better treatment and relief. Our healthcare experts will be much happier to help to get you started with this program and let you gain long-term benefits.